
Owned by Warren Glover
Designed by Toby
Made while cruising my yatch Enchantree 2 around PNG Islands, brought back to Australia across the Coral Sea then air freighted from Cairns to Hobart
LOA: 10 ft
Built: 2004
Hull Timber: Kerosene wood
Type: Outrigger canoe
State/Country: TAS
Location: Victoria Dock


Owned by Warren Glover
Designed by Toby
Made while cruising my yatch Enchantree 2 around PNG Islands, brought back to Australia across the Coral Sea then air freighted from Cairns to Hobart
LOA: 10 ft
Built: 2004
Hull Timber: Kerosene wood
Type: Outrigger canoe
State/Country: TAS
Location: Victoria Dock