Evening Tide

Owned by Ross Williams
Designed by Robert Perry
EVENING TIDE – PERRY’S PERFECTION. The only wooden Baba 40 yacht in the world constructed in Hobart by Master shipwright Bruce Darcey (Darce).
LOA: 39 ft
Built: 1985
Hull Timber: Mahogany
Type: Cutter
State/Country: VIC
Location: Kings Finger No.4

Evening Tide

Owned by Ross Williams
Designed by Robert Perry
EVENING TIDE – PERRY’S PERFECTION. The only wooden Baba 40 yacht in the world constructed in Hobart by Master shipwright Bruce Darcey (Darce).
LOA: 39 ft
Built: 1985
Hull Timber: Mahogany
Type: Cutter
State/Country: VIC
Location: Kings Finger No.4